In this tutorial I will show you how to make delicious hamburgers from polymer clay.
For the work we need:
1. Smooth work surface. I use a simple sheet of white paper. Good cooking vellum, glass or ceramic surface. Do not use plastic surface!
2. Polymer clay. Polymer clay can be of different manufacturers. I use polymer clay "Fimo" or "Premo Sculpey".
3. Sharp knife or razor blade. It is important that the blade is very sharp! Then your products will not deform under cutting.
4. Rolling tools. It's something big roll out to smooth the surface. There are many options: all sorts of culinary rolling pins, bottles, cans of aerosol, handles, plumbing pipes, all subjects elongated cylindrical shape. For the same purpose is the pasta machine. Pasta machine is a machine that rolls large flat surfaces.
5. Glossy varnish. Brush for applying varnish.
6. Metal accessories. Needed to make rings, earrings, pendants, etc.